Character ● Esteem ● Excellence

Permata Bangsa School​

With flexible and research-based programs, the PBS Team supports students in learning new skills for fast-changing technology and meeting their individual learning needs. Our English curriculum is based on the Cambridge International global gold standard framework.

Permata Bangsa School - Global Education (PBS)

Authorised Cambridge International Examination Centre

Permata Bangsa School – Global Education (PBS) is a premium, English medium instruction (EMI) school which uses Indonesian K13 and Cambridge curricula delivered through the Cambridge Pathways Framework for all levels from Early Years, Primary, Secondary and AS/A Levels.

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The three main things that set Permata Bangsa School apart from other schools in Semarang are the Curriculum, Community, and our Staff.

PBS is a literacy-focused curriculum. PBS students are encouraged in all subjects to use an academic language standard suitable for their grade level. All core and non-core subjects include an element of literacy. Subjects are chosen for their educational benefits and as a scaffold for future learning.

Community is also significant at PBS. Our students become lifelong friends and hold an extraordinary bond with their peers and teachers. Early years students feel that all other students are their big brothers and sisters, and the high school students love their younger counterparts as their siblings.

Permmata Bangsa School teachers take pride in keeping up their professional development, improving their standards and modern techniques of teaching. All PBS teachers have extensive professional development in managing and delivering content in a multilingual class environment.

Enrollment can be done by making an appointment and visiting us directly 024-764482 or WhatsApp 856-2630-626

Alternately, fill in the online form at and we shall contact you for an appointment.

During the appointment we we discuss your expectations and conduct an English test and entry examination if applicable.

The curriculum followed by Permata Bangsa School is our own literacy and academic-focused curriculum. We use the Cambridge Pathways, IGCSE, As, and A-level materials from Cambridge, Hoder, and Oxford.

Permata Bangsa school also follows the “Merdeka” Indonesian curriculum and maps that curriculum to our Cambridge resources.

Students at Permata Bangsa School can obtain the national diploma (Ijazah), the Cambridge International Diploma and the Permata Bangsa School diploma.

Universities have different entry expectations, and we can discuss those options with you throughout your child’s enrollment.

Our extra-curricular options are constantly evolving as students request different activities. Our primary ongoing extra-curricular activities are:
Freehand sketching
Model clay design
Chinese language
Pancat silat
Hip Hop Dance

A school with SPK status implies that the school has undergone a stringent accreditation process from the Indonesian government and by a certified foreign educational unit such as Cambridge International Examinations.
An SPK school is also able to deliver lessons in a foreign language. At Permata Bangsa School, we deliver all lessons in English.
Indonesian students have some lessons delivered in Bahasa Indonesia, such as Civics, Bahasa Indonesia, Literacy and religion, as they will take national exams.
SPK schools can be more flexible with their curriculum, allowing them to constantly keep content up to date and practice modern teaching methods. This flexibility and ability to change and adapt quickly enables Permata Bangsa School students more opportunities to develop character and an international/global culture.

At Permata Bangsa School, our primary language of lesson delivery is International English.
Our teachers are mainly Indonesian and hold the Cambridge teaching certification, Teaching in Bilingual Classrooms. All teachers have taken the Australian TEMC (Teaching English in Multilingual Classrooms) course.
Indonesian national students will have subjects in their national examinations (UNBK), such as Bahasa Indonesia, Agama/Religion, Literacy and Civics, delivered to them in Bahasa Indonesia/Indonesian language.
Permata Bangsa School focuses strongly on literacy, and we encourage and find time for international students to continue to read and write in their mother tongue outside of daily lesson times.

In Semarang, we are fortunate to have many expatriate families from Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, the Oceanic-Pacific region, and the Americas. Also, we have a large mixture of local Indonesian nations from all over the vast Indonesian Archipeo.
PBS students from early years participate in weekly values education courses. These courses reinforce our student’s desire to be kind to others, their environment, their community, their family, their friends and, of course, to themselves.
All races, religions and customs are accepted at Permata Bangsa School. During your initial interview, the parents and the school could find out if your student would require additional assistance in settling in.
Pull-out and extracurricular classes could be arranged if your student was struggling with English or a particular area to help accelerate them to the required level.

Our ratio of teacher to students is 1:14 (One teacher per fourteen students).
In most cases, there usually are two teachers in the classroom throughout the day. Should the teacher delivering the lesson require assistance, another teacher is on standby.

The school is monitored 24/7 by our dedicated security staff. There are CCTV in all classrooms and common areas.
Usually, there are two teachers in a classroom.
School field trips go through a very stringent risk assessment prior to approval.
PBS conducts regular evacuation drills.
No strangers are allowed on campus without a prior appointment, and they will be accompanied while on campus. For this reason, we do not allow parents to roam the grounds freely, sorry.
All staff have had a police background check and a psychiatric test.
Any vehicles used to transport students (and staff) have their service records, and the driver’s license is also checked.

At Permata Bangsa School, we believe in a holistic education that goes beyond rote memorization and standardized testing. Our approach to fostering creativity and critical thinking is embedded in every aspect of our curriculum and school culture. Here are some key elements of our approach:

  • Project-based learning – explore real-world issues and develop and create solutions.
  • Activity-based learning – allows to collaborate with peers and problem-solving with critical thinking.
  • Encouraging Questions: We foster a classroom environment where asking questions is not only welcomed but actively encouraged.
  • Technology Integration: We leverage technology to enhance creativity and critical thinking. Students use digital tools for research, multimedia presentations, and collaborative projects, enabling them to develop valuable digital literacy skills.
  • Extracurricular Activities and Field Trips – These activities provide students with opportunities to express themselves, explore their passions, and think outside the box

At Permata Bangsa School, we have nurtured strong, direct relationships with many outstanding universities and tertiary institutions.

Please see the ALUMNI Page for more information

Our administration process is very straightforward. We ask you to please arrange for an interview for us to better understand each other’s academic expectations.

If you decide to apply for enrolment, there is an application form to fill out and some documents such as identification, previous school reports etc can be uploaded.

Your child would undergo both an Oxford English Placement Test and a brief admission test (this depends on your child’s grade).

Yes, we actively encourage parent involvement and maintain open lines of communication with teachers and staff. Parent volunteers are welcome to apply to assist for extracurricular activities and field trips. Our school management system (EduPage) allows for real-time updates on your child’s learning as well as direct parent:teacher interactions.

Permata Bangsa School (PBS) is perhaps the only true inclusive school in Semarang. At PBS we treat every student as an individual. Depending on your child’s needs, we can discuss subject substitutions, pull-out classes, shadow teachers, targeted extracurricular classes, and other suitable options.
Please visit our admissions team to discuss your individual plan.

At Permata Bangsa School we believe that technology plays a very important role in today’s learning. Students are introduced to using computers for research and study at an early age. We adopted the Cambridge international ICT (Information Communication Technologies) and Computer Science courses in high school.
All subjects are encouraged at some point in the course to use smart devices and computers to develop strong computer literacy skills.

PBS classrooms are fitted with Wi-Fi-enabled devices including laptops and projectors. Our online school management system enables students to complete homework and tests online with automatic grading and notification of results. Teachers make use of technology using various multimedia mediums for lesson delivery.

Permata Bangsa School prioritizes environmental sustainability and community engagement as integral components of our educational philosophy.

We incorporate environmental education into our curriculum. Students learn about environmental issues, conservation, and sustainable practices as part of their academic coursework.

Ongoing programs such as recycling and waste reduction including producing bio fertilizers and eco-bricks. Field trips always include a portion of sustainability content.

Awareness Campaigns: PBS often organizes awareness campaigns and events on important environmental dates, such as Earth Day, to educate both students and the broader community about environmental issues.

Permata Bangsa School incorporates environmental sustainability into its curriculum and promotes community engagement, with the goal of nurturing environmentally aware and socially responsible global citizens capable of addressing critical environmental issues. These efforts not only enhance the school community but also make a positive impact on the larger community and the world at large.

Most PBS students arrive and leave school by their parents personal vehicle.

Some students make use of ride share apps such as GoJek and Grab.

There is a Trans bus stop right next to the school.

The school language policy is the use of English language as a medium. Students who are not yet strong in English are able to participate in pull-out classes and extracurricular programmes individually tailored to their needs.

Indonesian culture is very strong in PBS and we observe all local holidays. National day as well as Batik Day, Kartini Day and Hero’s Day are commemorated on campus. Indonesian arts such as batik, dance, song and heritage language such as Javanese is also studied and encouraged.

Bahasa Indonesia immersion programmes are also available on request.

PBS has a clear code of conduct for students, staff and parents.

As we are a small 21st Century school, we are able to detect changes in behavior and address them quickly. PBS believes in a strong communication with parents and working together to bring the best out of our students.

From our first interview we hope to establish you and your child’s aspirations for higher education.

From grade 10 IGCSE onward, our counseling department will be in closer contact with the student and parents to facilitate a smooth transition into higher education. This includes subject choice and what the minimum expectations of the collage/university require. We assist your student in preparing for the Cambridge exams they will require to be accepted in their higher education facility of choice.

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What our Alumni are Saying

Our alumni site will be up soon. In the meantime, we have special graducates that would like to give you a message.

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