About Us

“Simply The Best”K – 12
21st Century Global Education

Great Location
Permata Bangsa School – Global Education is nestled on the tranquil hillside of Gombel Lama on the Gombel Golf Course Road, Semarang. Our students especially enjoy the Junior Golf programme and school competitions we promote with our local and international golf partners. 
Founded in 2000, PBS has been providing world-class professional learning and development and thoughtful leadership for over twenty years. At PBS we have a strong desire to transform education, and we believe that embracing research, exploring new pedagogies and technologies in our classrooms to engage English second language learners across all grades, is what 21st Century Education is all about. 

Virtual Tour

Please click here for an interactive virtual tour of Permata Bangsa

Building Character
Permata Bangsa School seeks to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. 
Each student’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved on our students’ learning. 

Setting Standards
The PBS programme meets both the Indonesian National Kurikulum 2013 (K-13) Competencies as well as the Cambridge Curriculum Learning Objectives, using Cambridge Pathway Frameworks through English medium instruction (EMI). This specialised approach emphasizing language development across all content areas of the curriculum which serves to create a bilingual discourse-rich instructional setting aimed at: 
✓ Academic achievement;   ✓ Additive bilingualism and bi-literacy;   ✓ Cultural pluralism;   ✓ Dual Diploma – Indonesian, Indonesian National and Cambridge International Qualifications (CAIE), as well as tertiary education options at either an Indonesian or foreign university. 

What our Alumni are Saying

Our alumni site will be up soon. In the meantime, we have three special graducates that would like to give you a message.

Check below the testimonials for their videos

  If it wasn’t for the amazing teachers preparing me for uniercity I don’t know what I would of done. The Permata Bangsa School culture is so much like a family and the teachers look after every one of us like their own.  

Megan Ashley Hoo – class of 2018
Studying in Malaysia

 Currently I am studying at Saxionin Holland. Without the support from the teachers at Permata Bangsa, I doubt my Englsih skills would be good enough today to allow me the oportunity. Thank you PBS teachers !  

Benz Arya Putra – class of 2017
Studying in Netherlands

 Permata Bangsa was not just about academics, it also taught me social skills to enable me to enjoy leaning and visiting other cultures. My current grades at univercity speak for themselves, Permata Bangsa School got me to where I am now, thank you so much.  

Brian Lauter – Class of 2019
Studying in Netherlands

 Currently I am studying at ​Texas A&M University. Undoubtedly it was the dedicated teachers supporting me to always do my best that really brought out the best in me. The PBS community is like family and I hope one day I can give back to them what they have given to me.   

Anakin Ozzy Thacker – class of 2020
Studying in USA

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