Primary Learner Needs

Learner Needs:

The PBS programme is designed specifically for learners who are learning content in a language other than their mother tongue (ELLs – English Language Learners). Small classroom sizes and well developed teaching professionals allow us to deliver a programme designed specifically for each individual learner. Our ELLs students join us from both the local and international community (Korea, Japan, Europe and the Middle East) and, like any other learners, show a wide range of diversity in background, interest, attitudes, learning styles and motivation. Our teachers are especially developed to be aware of and appreciate this diversity in the context of learning subject matter in an additional language. They take into account our learners general conversational and academic language skills and relate aspects of the discipline to their learners personal background knowledge and general interests. They are aware of the potential of an multicultural ELLs classroom as a context for their learners use of the language for personal purposes. Learner autonomy is particularly important in our classrooms as learners may have to do independent research and use strategies for dealing with larger amounts of text than in traditional language teaching.  Our ELLs teachers, therefore, promote the use of strategies and learner independence. 

Meeting Learners’ Needs

ELL’sLesson Planning

Multimodality Classroom

Teacher/Learner Interaction

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