Reopening Strategy

Permata Bangsa SchoolReopening Strategy

PBS Takes Action to Fight Covid-19 Virus

(1) Disinfecting the Classrooms
The first step in the sanitation process is using a chemical free disinfectant over all surfaces.
(2) Fogging the classrooms
Classrooms are fogged to ensure all surfaces including the ceilings and into every nook and cranny are sanitized.

(3) Air Conditioning Treatment
Air conditioners are steam cleaned and filters sanitized to ensure fresh clean air in the classrooms.
(4) Ozonation
This treatment uses an O3 process to clean and stabilize the atmosphere in the classrooms.

DownloadPBS Learning Scenarios Plan2020-2021
Executive Summary

      PBS menyambut kembalinya siswa ke sekolah dan meningkatkan model pembelajaran kami agar aman dan tetap menarik.      Permata Bangsa menyambut pembukaan kembali sekolah kami dan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk belajar dalam lingkungan sekolah maupun secara virtual segera setelah dirasa aman untuk melaksanakannya. Kami percaya bahwa ini semua adalah demi kepentingan terbaik semua siswa kami, terutama anak-anak Usia Dini. Saat kami berencana untuk membuka kembali kampus kami, asas-asas berikut akan memandu kami dalam membuat keputusan terbaik.

DownloadPBS Learning Scenarios Plan2020-2021
Executive Summary

looks forward to welcoming everyone back to school and improving our learning
models in a way that is safe and engaging.       Permata Bangsa is looking forward to reopening our campuses and providing
students with opportunities to learn
within the on-site environment as well as the our virtual classrooms as soon as
it is deemed safe to do so. We believe doing so is in the best interest
of all our students but especially our Early Childhood Years children. As we plan to
reopen our campuses, the following principles will guide us in making
the best  decision possible.

The PBS Covid-19 Task Force
Task Satuas (Satgas) as a team will
monitor, respond and report on the: 1) Day to day learning, psychosocial
impact, learning space(s) requirements of school community; 2) Health, hygiene and security of the
school community; and 3) Training and public relations of the
school community.
Task Force Members:1)
Mr. Amin for learning, psychosocial, and spatial team;2) Ms. Diyah for Team of
health, hygiene and security; and 3) Ms. Endang for training and public
relations team.  

COVID-19 Health & Safety Inspection Checklist
The current COVID-19
‘coronavirus’ outbreak poses a serious risk to individuals and organisations.
This inspection checklist assists in identifying the control measures to reduce
the risk of workplace infections prior to reoccupation and as part of a
proactive monitoring regime and checking that preventative and protective
control measures are implemented in line with current health and safety general

Resiko COVID-19 untuk Pembukaan Kembali Sekolah Permata Bangsa

Menilai  Tindakan-tindakan pengendalian yang sesuai telah dibuat untuk para manajer
dan karyawan untuk dilaksanakan dibawah berikut ini: Siklus “Merencanakan”, “Melakukan”, “Review”. Siapa yang beresiko: karyawan, peserta didik,
dan anak muda, keluarga, (orang tua, pengasuh, dan saudara kandung),
pengunjung, kontraktor, anggota masyarakat umum.Kelompok Rentan: Resiko untuk
semua staf telah dimitigasi secara signifikan, termasuk mereka yang secara
klinis sangat rentan dan rentan secara klinis. Beberapa orang dengan
karakteristik tertentu mungkin secara komparatif meningkatkan resiko terkena
COVID-19 (disebabkan oleh umur, penurunan ketahanan tubuh, etnisitas, dsb).


School Reoccupation Risk Assessment
Protocoland Standard Operating Procedure


Periksa Kesehatan dan Keselamatan COVID-19
Wabah ‘coronavirus’
COVID-19 saat ini menimbulkan risiko serius bagi individu dan organisasi.
Daftar periksa inspeksi ini membantu mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah
pengendalian untuk mengurangi risiko infeksi di tempat kerja sebelum digunakan
kembali dan sebagai bagian dari tata cara pemantauan proaktif dan memeriksa
bahwa tindakan pengendalian pencegahan dan perlindungan diterapkan sejalan
dengan panduan umum kesehatan dan keselamatan saat ini.

Risk Assessment for reopening Permata Bangsa School

ASSESS Appropriate control measures have been defined for
managers and employees to implement under the following: ‘Plan’, ‘Do’, ‘Review’ cycle. Who may be at risk:  Employees,
pupils and young people, families (parents, carers and siblings), visitors,
contractors, members of public. Vulnerable
groups: The risks to all staff have
been mitigated significantly, including those who are extremely clinically
vulnerable and clinically vulnerable.  Some
people with particular characteristics may be at comparatively increased risk
from COVID-19 (due to age, deprivation, ethnicity, etc.).  


Penilaian Resiko Penggunaan Kembali
Sekolah COVID 19
Protocoland Standard Operating Procedure


What information do you want to know?
