SMP Lower Secondary Curriculum

  Bahasa Indonesia

Lower Secondary Curriculum

Meeting Learners’ Needs

ELL’sLesson Planning

Multimodality Classroom

Teacher/Learner Interaction

Stage/Kelas 7
Stage/Kelas 8
Stage/Kelas 9

PBS  Lower Secondary  Year

In Lower Secondary, students begin to explore new ideas,
develop additional interests, build relationships, and learn how to pursue
their goals. 

These years are critical in keeping our students on the path to Upper Secondary completion and their career futures. The Lower Secondary Programme is the first measurable step
towards University and a career.  The PBS Cambridge Pathways programme aims to help your
students achieve success. The curriculum has not just been developed to provide
information, facts and answers, it has also been developed to encourage
students to take control of their learning and become responsible for
The curriculum is designed to give students the skills and
knowledge for a successful life beyond the National and IGCSE exams.
Lower Secondary Programme targets learners aged 11 to 14 years and designed to
prepare students for the next step of their education, providing a clear
Pathway as they progress through Lower Secondary in an age-appropriate way.
The curriculum has also been designed to encourage young
adults to take control of their learning and become responsible for themselves.

K13 and Cambridge Pathway Framework
Cambridge Pathway provides a coherent curriculum structure made up of four stages – from Primary to Advanced. Each stage builds on the previous one in a carefully aligned instructional system. PBS integrates Cambridge Pathway learning objectives with Kurkulum 2013 (K13) competencies and using 21st Century teaching/delivery strategies, we offer “simply the best” in global education programming.

Making Our Learners’ Lives Special

Permata Bangsa School Global Education
 is a learning community in which all individuals are expected to have high standards and aspirations and are encouraged to recognise and achieve their true potential.
Our belief in creating a positive culture has led us to develop several initiatives to support and encourage kindness, empathy and good behaviour at PBS.These include qualities that students need to demonstrate in order to help them succeed academically and socially.

Our Learners Love How We Treat ThemSmall Groups More Learning – More Fun

Permata Bangsa
maintains small class room sizes. 
“Overall, research shows that students in 
smaller classes perform better 
in all subjects and on all assessments when compared to
their peers in larger 
classes. … However, for minority and at-risk
students as well as those who struggle with English Second Language and English
 enhance academic performance.”
NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English;

We use a variety of teaching approaches:

Small Group teaching and learning sessions. 
The children may be working in mixed ability or similar
ability groups depending on the learning task. 
During Small Group learning sessions, some groups will work with a
teacher or assistant whilst other groups are working independently. These
groups rotate so that every group of children has the opportunity to work on
both teacher led and independent tasks.

Whole Class Group teaching. 
Our teachers aim to make these as interactive as

Daily Bi-literacy and Numeracy tasks that
reinforce basic skills.

 These may be written or practical