Hello my name is Nurvitasari Kurniawati and I have been working at Permata Bangsa School as Social Study Primary Teacher since February 2022.
I am originally from Klaten and graduated from Sanata Dharma University in 2011.
I became a teacher because being a teacher means be a lifelong learner. As a lifelong learner, it challenges me to adapt to changes of the students,technology,era,curriculum,etc. I also can share my knowledge and experience to my students;and can learn from my students too. We can learn how to solve problems and improve soft skills.
Being a teacher is not a profession,but it is a calling.
The thing i love about teaching the most is to see the students’ development and improvement. I listen and try to understand them.
I believe Permata Bangsa School is the best because it is the place to learn,play,grow together and prepare students to have strong foundations for facing global era.